First Peoples, Indigenous Peoples


Native Plants on the South Coast
Learning about native plants can connect us to the places we live. Studying First Peoples’ uses of plants can teach us which native berries are edible and which are not.
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Object-Based Learning
2In 2 playlists
This pathway is especially for teachers who want to use object-based learning in the classroom. Includes lesson ideas and online support.
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Family (Grades K-3)
1In 1 playlists
Every family has a unique and special story. At the Royal BC Museum we have lots of stories—and histories—about British Columbia families. Come and explore! (Grades K-3)
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Residential Schools and Reconciliation
How do we reconcile past wrongs? Look at documents and objects from the Royal BC Museum’s ethnology collection and archives to learn about the effects of Indian residential schools and think about how we can reach reconciliation.
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Webster Precisely!
1In 1 playlists
Jack Webster was a well-known British Columbian journalist. BCTV donated all of the Webster! episodes to the Royal BC Museum. What will you discover about BC's recent past from the Jack Webster collection?
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BC’s Gold Rush
6In 6 playlists
In 1858 word of gold rang out in the Fraser Canyon, setting off a dramatic migration of people and propelling this once remote region of western North American into the modern age. What can you discover about BC's gold rush?
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Our Living Languages
7In 7 playlists
Did you know BC is a language hotspot? Over 34 distinct indigenous languages are spoken here. Explore sounds, images, words and video about First Nations languages.
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Can You Dig It?
2In 2 playlists
Archaeology tells us that Indigenous people have been here a very long time. Evidence such as artifacts, house remains and animal bones are held in the Royal BC Museum collection.
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