Children and Childhood


La famille : Liens et appartenance (Niveaux 9e-12e)
L’histoire de la Colombie-Britannique est remplie de récits de famille — des familles de toutes les formes et de toutes les tailles ; des familles établies ici depuis des milliers d’années, des familles venues ici des quatre coins du monde. Ensemble, nous contribuons à la diversité de notre province.
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Family:  Bonds and Belonging (Grades 9-12)
British Columbia’s history is filled with stories of families—families of all shapes and sizes; families that have been here for thousands of years and families that have come from almost everywhere in the world. Together, we shape our diverse province. (Grades 9-12)
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Family (Grades K-3)
1In 1 playlists
Every family has a unique and special story. At the Royal BC Museum we have lots of stories—and histories—about British Columbia families. Come and explore! (Grades K-3)
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Residential Schools and Reconciliation
How do we reconcile past wrongs? Look at documents and objects from the Royal BC Museum’s ethnology collection and archives to learn about the effects of Indian residential schools and think about how we can reach reconciliation.
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Our Living Languages
7In 7 playlists
Did you know BC is a language hotspot? Over 34 distinct indigenous languages are spoken here. Explore sounds, images, words and video about First Nations languages.
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Tradition in Felicities
Canada’s oldest Chinatown is in Victoria, BC. The Royal BC Museum exhibition Tradition in Felicities used video, photographs and the written word to celebrate the community of this national landmark. Teachers look for lesson plans in Watch!
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