Liz CrockerLearning Program Developer
I am a Learning Program Developer at the Royal BC Museum. Learn more about me here.

Looking at French Culture and Art in BC Archives
By Liz Crocker
By educator Chelsea Pacheco Art has allowed French Canadians to celebrate their culture through expression in theatre, music, celebratory parties, and food. Within the BC Archives, proof of cultural appreciation through the arts is embedded within historical records. In 1980’s Vancouver and Victoria, French Canadians in BC were encouraged to participate in events through clubs…

Changing Opinions of French Canada
By Liz Crocker
By educator Olivia Haramboure Over time, people in British Columbia have thought different things about French Canada and French Canadians. This way of thinking has changed as the years have passed. This playlist uses newspapers from the BC Archives to show how writers in the Times Colonist and people who wrote letters to the newspaper…

Bats of British Columbia
By Liz Crocker
Studying bats is a great way to learn about mammals, adaptations and habitats and you don't have to do it in the dark! Check out the second edition of the Bats of British Columbia Handbook! Explore the Community Bat Programs of BC website: Check out UBC's E-Fauna BC for information about your local bats.

University of Victoria Palaeontology Student Project
By Liz Crocker
In 2020, while taking a Directed Studies course with Dr. Victoria Arbour at the University of Victoria, student Elizabeth Rohlicek got the chance to work closely with fossils at the Royal BC Museum.

Stinging Nettle
By Liz Crocker
Royal BC Museum botany collections manager Heidi Guest, shared this recipe for Spanakopita using stinging nettle instead of spinach in the RBCM@Outside Sting! program on March 10, 2021.

Sikh Heritage Month – April 2020 Educator Webinar
By Liz Crocker
April is Sikh Heritage Month. This playlist presents resources referred to and used in a Royal BC Museum educator webinar on April 21, 2020. Author Steven Purewal and educator Annie Ohana joined us for a conversation about exploring Sikh heritage in the classroom and linking it to BC school curriculum. This playlist also includes Indus…

BC Fish Colouring Sheets
By Liz Crocker
Print off these illustrations by Royal BC Museum curator of vertebrate zoology, Dr. Gavin Hanke and colour away! Colour from your imagination (what colours would you like your fish to be?) or check online sources to find out real life colours of these fishes. Keep in mind that the colour you see depends on: what…

RBCM@outside with Dr. Nancy Turner
By Liz Crocker
On May 20, 2020, Dr. Nancy Turner led us through a virtual plant walk on Protection Island, British Columbia during an RBCM@outside program. View the program here. Explore 'A Plant Walk on Protection Island' by Dr. Turner and Native Plants of the South Coast on the Learning Portal. Royal BC Museum books by Dr. Turner:…

RBCM@outside Sharing Nature with Children
By Liz Crocker
On June 3, 2020 RBCM@ outside host Liz Crocker and WildBC Facilitator Stephanie Weinstein from Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation introduced and demonstrated some of their favourite nature activities to share with children, including making pooters! View the program here. Explore the resources in this playlist for more ideas. Look for photos of Dr. Joel Gibson, curator…

Historical Thinking Winter Institute 2019
By Liz Crocker
This playlist collects Learning Portal resources to support sessions at the Historical Thinking Winter Institute at Royal BC Museum February 15 & 16, 2019. It also supports activities or lessons you can do back in the classroom or wherever you work, including primary sources from BC Archives and suggestions on how to investigate these sources…

Learning Portal on Chek TV!
By Liz Crocker
This short video is part of the Royal BC Museum This Week in History series on Chek TV. It was recorded in fall of 2018. It gives a brief overview of what the Learning Portal is about and some of the technologies we are using to improve your experience here on the Portal.

Royal BC Museum Interventions for Change Workshop
By Liz Crocker
This playlist was created to support workshop participants at the BC Museums Association Conference 2017. The session Interventions for Change explored intervention strategies scalable for museums of any size to be used in school programs or special events. Learn about an intervention with the Punjabi community at the Royal BC Museum here.

From Insects to Abstraction
By Liz Crocker
Looking closely at insects from the Royal BC Museum entomology collection, teacher Andrew Gibbs led his students in an art activity inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe. Dive into this playlist for activity details and samples of student work. Andrew Gibbs father, Richard Gibbs worked at the museum as a taxidermist. Richard Gibbs with Woolly mammoth below.

By Liz Crocker
Performance poster from February 8, 1986.

By Liz Crocker
Learn about French Canadian celebrations through this lesson plan designed for grade 8 French immersion by educator Chelsea Pacheco.

By Liz Crocker
Royal BC Museum botany collections manager Heidi Guest, shared this recipe for Spanakopita using stinging nettle instead of spinach in the RBCM@Outside Sting! program on March 10, 2021.

By Liz Crocker
University of Victoria student Elizabeth Rohlicek made this video while working with Royal BC Museum's curator of palaeontology Dr. Victoria Arbour in 2020. Elizabeth studied whale fossils found at Muir Creek Beach on Vancouver Island.

By Liz Crocker
Western River Lamprey (Lampetra ayresii) illustration by Dr. Gavin Hanke Royal BC Museum curator of vertebrate zoology.

By Liz Crocker
Brassy Minnow (Hybognathus hankinsoni) illustration by Dr. Gavin Hanke, Royal BC Museum curator of vertebrate zoology.

By Liz Crocker
Broad Whitefish (Coregonus nasus) illustration by Dr. Gavin Hanke Royal BC Museum curator of vertebrate zoology.

By Liz Crocker
Rock Bass (Ambloplites rupestris) illustration by Dr. Gavin Hanke Royal BC Museum curator of vertebrate zoology.

By Liz Crocker
Starry Flounder (Platichthys stellatus) illustration by Dr. Gavin Hanke Royal BC Museum curator of vertebrate zoology.

By Liz Crocker
HCTF Sharing Nature Resources

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
This video, A Matter of Tradition, is from a series called History Informs the Future from Indus Media Foundation

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
This is the recording of the April 21, 2020 Royal BC Museum educator webinar.

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
This video, The Home Front, is from a series called History Informs the Future, from Indus Media Foundation:

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
This video, Silent Voices, is from a series called History Informs the Future from Indus Media Foundation

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

By Liz Crocker
Illustration from the Royal BC Museum archaeology gallery of antler wedges and a stone hand maul being used for woodworking.

By Liz Crocker
This paddle is from the Royal BC Museum Ethnology collection. View the object in the collection here:

By Liz Crocker
This image is from the BC Archives. Learn more about the image here: <>

By Liz Crocker
This image is from the BC Archives. Learn more about the image here: <> .

By Liz Crocker
This image is from BC Archives. Learn more about the image here: <>

By Liz Crocker
This is an antler wedge in the Royal BC Museum collection.

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
Use these questions to inspire and guide you when interviewing to learn more about your audience and help with program planning, hacks and interventions.

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
Insects in the Entomology collection at the Royal BC Museum. Find out more here:

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
Participants in University of Victoria's 2016 Teachers Summer Institute show-off their gallery intervention work.

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
University of Victoria's Teachers Summer Institute 2015 participated in an intervention in the Royal BC Museum's permanent galleries.

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
Reynolds Secondary School, Royal BC Museum's 2016 partner school, created a gallery intervention with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on the 94 Calls to Action.

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
Reynolds Secondary School was Royal BC Museum's partner school in 2016. Student work included interventions to interrupt permanent gallery narratives.

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
Members of the Punjabi community discuss the Becoming BC gallery at the Royal BC Museum, November 21, 2015

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
Participants at a Royal BC Museum Feminist Hack noted that women are not currently included in the Becoming BC gallery.

1In 1 playlists
By Liz Crocker
Check out this list for inspiration and resources to help shape your own museum intervention.

By Liz Crocker
This stunning slow motion footage shows how bats use echolocation to find water. We know how bats echolocate to hunt insects, but this is the first study to show how they recognise large, flat objects like ponds (by Youtube contributor Nature Video).

By Liz Crocker
Little Brown Bat echolocation calls in Washington state.