Sub-Boreal Interior

Archival Maps


Mountain Dinosaur of BC
Almost 50 years ago a geologist found dinosaur fossils in northern BC. Today those fossils are in the Royal BC Museum collection. Curator of palaeontology Dr. Victoria Arbour studies those fossils. Find out about her exciting discoveries!
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Great Bear Rainforest
1In 1 playlists
For thousands of years, Indigenous people have shared the Great Bear Rainforest with wolves, eagles, sea otters, salmon and herring, as well as many other animals. It is the only home of BC’s provincial mammal, the Spirit Bear.
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Our Living Languages
7In 7 playlists
Did you know BC is a language hotspot? Over 34 distinct indigenous languages are spoken here. Explore sounds, images, words and video about First Nations languages.
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Wolves to Whales
2In 2 playlists
The mammal collection is as diverse as the mammals of BC. Mammal specimens at the museum are preserved, stored and made available for research.
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