J’aime les mots 2024Staff Playlist

J’aime les mots 2024

Cet album a été créé pour l’événement J’aime les mots, qui se déroulera du 27 septembre au 25 octobre 2024 dans le cadre du volet scolaire des Journées de la culture. Tirées des Archives de la Colombie-Britannique, ces photos sont dans le domaine public. Elles peuvent donc être copiées et utilisées librement pour la création…

First Nations Studies support Materials

First Nations Studies support Materials

The resources curated here are intended to support teachers and students who are taking part in the First Nations 10>12 classes. This curation needs to be used in the understanding that the materials have been collected and curated by a settler society and discussions of cultural appropriation, ownership, and own voices are essential to an…

J’aime les mots 2023Staff Playlist

J’aime les mots 2023

Cet album a été créé pour l’événement J’aime les mots, qui se déroulera du 29 septembre au 27 octobre 2023, dans le cadre du volet scolaire des Journées de la culture. Les photographies ont été prises dans les expositions et les collections du Royal BC Museum. Le thème de cette année est la taxidermie. Certains…

Amazing Adaptations

Amazing Adaptations

Plants and animals have features and behaviours that help them survive. Learn about some BC plants and animals and the amazing ways they survive and thrive in our local environments through this snapshot visit to the natural history gallery. Print off the Worksheet and Scavenger Hunt for each student before your digital field trip to…

Home and Community

Home and Community

British Colombia is home to people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. From farms to cities, people have adapted and developed communities to best fit their needs and wants. Digital Field Trips are inquiry based and staff led. We can adapt Digital Field Trips for different grade ranges, home learners, or for adult, senior, community-group…

Dinosaurs! Adaptations and Habitats

Dinosaurs! Adaptations and Habitats

Explore the different ways dinosaurs used their bodies to survive in their natural habitats millions of years ago. Through the inspection of plant and dinosaur fossils, students will discover how dinosaurs found food and interacted with their environments. They’ll even learn how animals on earth can give us clues about how dinosaurs looked and behaved.…

Meet the Mammoth

Meet the Mammoth

Learn about the Ice Age and the Woolly Mammoths who lived there. Using images, video and objects we will learn about how Woolly Mammoths adapted to survive in the Ice Age. There are lots of opportunities for questions and interaction. Pre-Activity: have your students grab a piece of paper and pencil and have them draw…

BC’s Gold Rush

BC’s Gold Rush

In 1858, when gold was discovered in the Fraser River, what is now known as British Columbia became a destination for hopeful miners from around the world. For every gold seeker who rushed here, there were factors that drove them from their homelands and dreams that enticed to a new and foreign place. The impacts…