Amazing Adaptations
by Digital Field TripsPlants and animals have features and behaviours that help them survive. Learn about some BC plants and animals and the amazing ways they survive and thrive in our local environments through this snapshot visit to the natural history gallery.
- Print off the Worksheet and Scavenger Hunt for each student before your digital field trip to use during the program
Digital Field Trips are inquiry based and staff led. We can adapt Digital Field Trips for different grade ranges, home learners, or for adult, senior, community-group or post-secondary audiences.
Visit our website for more information.
These Playlists include additional resources that accompany these Digital Field Trips. They are continuously being updated, so please check before and after your program for new resources.

1In 1 playlists
Amazing Adaptations Digital Field Trip Outline

1In 1 playlists
Please print off one copy for each student before your digital field trip to use during the program.

1In 1 playlists
Bring this worksheet with you to your program.
Create a list of behaviors and body parts that a plant or animal has to help them survive.

2In 2 playlists
British Columbia has high mountains. Lots of them. In fact, more than 12 per cent of the province is alpine tundra—land above the trees. The alpine tundra is a land of extremes. Trees can’t grow at such high elevations because of cold temperatures. The growing season is brief, and some areas are covered by snow…
View Pathway
2In 2 playlists
Find Pathways and other content here that have an Animal Studies (Zoology) theme.

Growing close to the ground
Small size