Documents and Diaries

Documents and Diaries

Primary Documents

From the Royal BC Museum

Curator of History Dr. Lorne Hammond writes about women in the First World War, including nurses Ellanore Parker and Murney Pugh. For more about them see look.

Where to Begin Your Own Research

Transcribe gives you the opportunity to make the Royal BC Museum’s collections more accessible, all from the comfort of your home! Our first community transcription project is diaries and letters from the First World War, written by British Columbians.  The transcriptions you create will become searchable data, facilitating learning and research around the world.

The BC Archives contains government and private records that are of enduring value to the province of British Columbia.  New information is continually being added, including some digital copies of records, giving ever-growing access to the archival materials.

Watch these helpful instructional videos on how to search the BC Archives:

How-to: BC Archives Genealogy Search. Learn how to find records on births, deaths, marriages or baptisms in BC.

How-to: BC Archives Collections Search. Learn how to find any documents aside from those used in the genealogy search, including maps, photographs, textual records, moving images or audio recordings.

Was someone in your own family involved in the First World War? Visit the Finding Family pathway on the Learning Portal for more about using primary documents when doing family history research (genealogy) .

Outside Links

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Check out objects and photographs from the First World War on this excellent website.

This is an amazing resource for teachers, but is useful for anyone using primary resources.