Wolves to Whales

Wolves to Whales

Primary Documents

From the Royal BC Museum

Student Elizabeth Rohlicek looks at the evolution of toothed and baleen whales.

Curator, Dr Gavin Hanke, describes the sometimes smelly, but always interesting, work of preparing the museum’s first humpback whale skeleton.

Curator, Dr Gavin Hanke, writes about preserving specimens.

Curator, Dr Gavin Hanke, describes some furry invaders who have arrived in different parts of the province.

Curator, Dr Gavin Hanke,  writes about Royal BC Museum handbooks that were richly illustrated by the talent of Frank Beebe. There is only one illustration of a mammal in this article, but the art and value of scientific illustration applies equally to mammals.

Images and text from this online exhibit reveal how mammals in Northeastern British Columbia survive the winter.

The Royal BC Museum publishes books. Check out some of the titles related to mammals here.

Where to Begin Your Own Research

Search the Royal BC Museum website for online records of mammals in the collection.

Learn more about mammals at the Royal BC Museum.

Outside Links

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An article by Nancy Shackelford from the Hakai Institute about new research using Royal BC Museum specimens that were collected by the influential Ian McTaggart-Cowan.

An Introduction to the Mammals of British Columbia. Credit: Klinkenberg, Brian. (Editor) 2014. E-Fauna BC: Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of British Columbia [www.efauna.bc.ca]. Lab for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. [August 13, 2014]

By Dave Nagorsen