Mountain Dinosaur of BC

Mountain Dinosaur of BC

3D Gallery

Ferrisaurus ulna

A 3D model of one of the lower arm bones (the ulna) of Ferrisaurus sustutensis

Ferrisaurus tibia and fibula

A 3D model of the shin bones (tibia and fibula) of Ferrisaurus sustutensis

Ferrisaurus scapula

A 3D model of one of the shoulder bones (a fragment of the scapula) of Ferrisaurus sustutensis

Ferrisaurus radius

A 3D model of one of the lower arm bones (the radius) of Ferrisaurus sustutensis

Ferrisaurus toe bone

Ferrisaurus toe bone – A 3D model of one of the toe bones (pedal phalanx) of Ferrisaurus sustutensis

Ferrisaurus digit III

A 3D model of one of the toes (digit III) of Ferrisaurus sustutensis

Ferrisaurus coracoid

A 3D model of one of the shoulder bones (a fragment of the coracoid) of Ferrisaurus sustutensis


Fossil Hunting

Meet Buster, the mountain dinosaur of BC!

Buster’s Home: British Columbia Then and Now

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