After the Storm
A purposeful part of the restoration was to have Bowker Creek once again mimic a natural water course.  Prior to the restoration, the straight path of the creek created high velocities of water after a rain storm.  With the new creek pathway, the volume of water is slowed, allowing aquatic invertebrates not to be swept away as they once were. 

Bowker Creek Project – Student Connection
A key aspect of the restoration project continues to be providing a connection between the students of Oak Bay High School and Bowker Creek.  In the finishing stages of the project, students had the opportunity to participate in the plantings of the native plant species. 

Science 9 Discovery Museum Partnership Project
The focus of the driving question was understanding how reflection on our past choices can guide our future ones.  A point of interest was the return of salmon to Bowker Creek. Prior to its alteration away from its natural state, Bowker Creek was a salmon-bearing stream, a status it still officially maintains today. Can the salmon come back?

Science 9 Discovery Museum Partnership Project
The students of the Sc 9 Discovery class partnered with the Ocean Studies class at Monterey Middle School in a school-museum collaborative project.  The project research and design focused on the driving question: How can understanding the health and history of a local stream ecosystem guide our future understanding of the world around us?

Outdoor Classroom Area
The outdoor classroom area is a key educational component to the outdoor classroom.  Intended to help foster a connection between the students and the Bowker Creek riparian ecosystem, its tiered seating area allows lessons to be taught outdoors, with students surrounded by the plants and animals being studied. 

Halibut Dish
1In 1 playlists
This carved wooden dish is in the form of a halibut fish. What does it tell us about indigenous peoples that they were able to make everyday objects beautiful. Why do you think this person chose to make their dish in the form of a fish? What does it tell us about the importance of fish to the indigenous daily life?

Coho Salmon
1In 1 playlists
This Coho silkscreen print by Reg Davidson, a Masset Haida artist, depicts three salmon surrounding a circular bird motif. The fish are shown in red, blue, and black. What similarities and differences do you see between scientific and indigenous art?