What is pollution?
 Webster- Merriam dictionary states: “the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man-made waste.” Pollution can affect the hydrosphere by polluting the water and affecting the marine life and aquatic organisms. Pollution can affect the atmosphere with air pollution from cars, factories airplanes, etc. Pollution can affect the geosphere from burning fossil fuels (offsetting the balance of oil in the ground) or doing other upsetting acts like mining which also offsets the balance in the ground. Pollution can affect the Biosphere because the offset balance in the other spheres affect the lives of the organisms living in that area. This is why pollution is so bad because it's really hard to clean up and dramatically affect the lives of animals and organisms.

Is the pollution better/worse at different creek points?
Many parts of bowker creek flow under the road and this unfortunately means that a lot of drainage from high traffic areas finds its way into the creek. This also means that these parts of the creek are more highly polluted than other areas. The other areas of the creek have a little cleaner water because the contamination has become more diffused and there is multiple small dams in the creek to allow fresher water.

How does the plants in the area affect the water quality?
The plants affect certain factors of the creek because native plants and healthy vegetation help clean water naturally because they generally have deep root systems that anchor soil and act as filters, collecting dirty runoff from streets and rooftops and separating out pollutants while absorbing water and decreasing flooding. Plants complete the carbon cycle, helping natural substances be recycled and decomposed.

Is the pollution worse at different times of the year?
The pollution in the creek is different at different times of the year mainly because of weather factors. An example of this is there is the most pollution during rainy months like fall and spring because garbage, oil, etc gets washed from the streets through the drains into the creek.

What Is Bowker Creek?
Bowker Creek is a beautiful creek that is located in Oak Bay. The creek runs through Victoria, Saanich, and Oak Bay and discharges into the ocean in Oak Bay. Bowker Creek has been around for a long time. It is between 1400 and 1500 years of age. The creek is named after John Sylvester Bowker, an American settler who came to Oak Bay in the 1860s.   

What food does salmon eat?
Salmon eat plankton, insects, and larval invertebrates when in fresh water. But when they are in the ocean, the feed on small fish. When salmon are in the ocean they still need a balance of their common diet species.