Jaime Gomez

I am an international teacher about to become a fully certified teacher in BC. I teach to make this world the best possible place, and it is what I strive to continue doing in BC, my new home.


The Math Book by Clifford Pickover
How does mathematics help us understand nature? Besides offering fascinating examples of connections between math and nature such as Fibonacci’s numbers or the Golden ratio, this book presents a history of mathematics, one as rich and diverse as the natural history of British Columbia. It also reminds us that mathematics is much more than numbers. 

Visions of the Future
Just a Dream highlights
the ethical dimension present in all our interactions with nature. Our
knowledge of the natural history of BC must be reflected in our everyday
actions and our efforts to preserve its natural diversity and richness for
future generations. This is the powerful message at the heart of this story.     
Jaime Gomez
Jaime Gomez