Question Five: Wind, Solar, or FUSION: Which is better?
By OB2
Two of these currently exist, and one of these is poised to dominate the energy of tomorrow. The real question is whether or not it will come in time to save our environment. This page of text goes into a moderately deep explanation of some of the pros and cons of each power generation system and explains what our best course of action might be for future power generation.

Question 3: Should we Destroy some Ecosystems to Buy Time?
By OB2
This is a truly, criminally under-discussed idea. The idea of destroying a number of animals to reduce emissions in the short term and provide us with time to switch to green energy is an interesting one, and it is one that I will discuss in depth here. Be advised that I do not condone rampant animal murder as of now - it isn't' necessary. Verdict: It could work, and the unforeseen consequences may not be as bad as some say, but it simply isn't necessary now - the environment, while damaged,  isn't yet at the stage where we need to reduce emissions so sharply that we'd be able to consider destroying animal populations, be they domesticated or otherwise.

In Conclusion
By OB2

Well, that’s it. You’ve sat down and read all of my work, or maybe you just skimmed through the entire thing to get an idea of what I wrote. Either way, thank you for your attention. I hope these entries have provided some much-needed information on some controversial, often misunderstood environmental topics, as well as asking a few downright insane (and yet, still plausible) questions. 

In short, to sum up, our current environmental situation, I would put it like this:

Better than people say it is, but still bad.

The plastic problem, I fear, gets far too much attention and diverts efforts away from climate change into saving animals, which matters little in teh short term or even long term. Either way, this playlist does not exist to share my opinions, only to debate questions. I hope it has served it’s purpose, and I hope it has inspired you to question everything that you’re told - opinions are present in everything. Even a logical, rational person such as myself cannot help but fall to the vice of conviction occasionally.


Have a pleasant day, and rest easy - the world won’t end tomorrow.

The Geno-Suicide Question:Should we end humanity for nature?
By OB2
I don't even need to go into a full debate to explain that "No, no we should not". While this is an intriguing question, it is easily answered: The implementation would be endlessly difficult without nuclear weapons, and if we use those we destroy nature in the process. Not only that, but it would also result in the deaths of billions of people, and we tend to avoid doing things that result in that for good reason.

Who Used Native Plants for Medicinal Purposes?
By OB1
It is known that many groups of Aboriginal Peoples as well as European Settlers used native plants for medicinal purposes. In this Playlist all the plant entries are on how the Coast Salish Peoples specifically used the native plants, not how other Aboriginal groups did.

About Native Plants
By OB1
What are native plants and why are they so important? It is key to have knowledge about native plants before fully understanding their connection to the Coast Salish Peoples and Bowker Creek.

About Bowker Creek
By OB1
Many years ago, Bowker Creek was channeled into pipes to reduce the risk of flooding the surrounding areas. Although no more flooding took place after the creek was in pipes, the creek was no longer functioning like a healthy creek. Recently the CRD (Capital Regional District) day-lighted a section of the creek near Oak Bay High School.