

By OB11
From Flatworms to Mallard ducks to three-spined sticklebacks, Bowker Creek houses many species! But Bowker creek is still under pollution from road run-off, illegal dumping and more. This stops more sensitive-to-pollution species from living in Bowker creeks ecosystem.

By OB11
How can  we help Bowker Creek? Well, a start for  this would be to  educate yourself and learn more about th creek's ecosystem and what we can do to help. Bowker Creek is a possible home for amazing animals, these animals (such as the Coho salmon) used to live here. And they can live here again if we just clean up the creek and create a safe environment for new species.

Great Horned Owls, Bubo virginianus
By OB11

Great horned owls are native to bowker’s creeks area. Although seeing more of them in the area would be ideal. These owls are fierce predators that can take large prey, including raptors such as Ospreys.

Racoons, Procyon lotor, common
By OB11

Racoons are becoming more common in Bowker Creek than ever before because of their high tolerance to pollution which is killing off the racoons predators allowing them to become more common in the Bowker creeks watershed.

Flatworms, Platyhelminthes
By OB11
Flatworms are small aquatic worms that inhabit Bowker creek. They usually feed on small bacteria, and are generally eaten by small aquatic species

Mallard Ducks, Anas platyrhynchos (common)
By OB11
Mallard Ducks are plentiful in Bowker creek, perhaps this is because Mallard ducks can live anywhere between 5-10 years. Mallard Ducks usually feed on insects, worms, small aquatic beings, and water plants.

Bowker Creek’s polluted waters
By OB11
Bowker Creek is currently under a 100 year restoration plan to return it to its former glory. And while this plan is well underway we still have a constant problem of pollutants. Such as illegal dumping, unfiltered storm water, and chemicals that roll in from off our roads. 