
Oak Bay High School


The Shape of Water
By OB23
The creekbed took a lot of design, research and thought. These curves benefit smaller creatures, by providing small areas for them to find shelter from the current. This supports more life in the stream. When the water rises, it flows in a predetermined way, purposefully designed for better flow and to reduce plant uprooting. 

Planning Vegetation
By OB23
The planning of Bowker creek's plants was very thorough, as it needed to be a) aesthetically pleasing, b) Help filter toxins out of the water and c) discourage invasive plant growth.

Oak Bay High’s contribution and the Outdoor Classroom
By OB23
One of the conditions of Bowker being renovated was that Oak Bay High school would need to take some responsibility in the maintenance and use of the surrounding area. This led to the creation of the outdoor classroom, which is essentially an amphitheater. Its main use is for quick meetings centered around ecological topics.  