Britney Allen
Grade 2/3 French Immersion teacher, STEM Puns cartoonist, B.Sc. (Biology), and former STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) outreach instructor/coordinator

Extreme Environments
I created this playlist as part of my Extreme Environments unit for my grade 6 practicum

How can educators use the Royal BC Museum’s Learning Portal?
This playlist was created as part of an inquiry project for a course at the University of Victoria in Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary and Middle School Social Studies. It is intended to be an introduction for educators.

How do science and policy influence one another?
This playlist is part of an inquiry project for a course at the University of Victoria in Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary and Middle School Social Studies. My initial question is "How can the Learning Portal be used to support Social Studies learning?" To model inquiry, my second question is "How do science and policy…

Species at Risk: Vancouver Island Marmot Learning Plan
As part of the Species at Risk project, I am curating this learning plan playlist that can be used to explore ideas about the Vancouver Island Marmot.

1In 1 playlists

1In 1 playlists

1In 1 playlists

1In 1 playlists
This is the feedback that I received from my colleagues and instructor about the presentation that I delivered in class.

1In 1 playlists
This is a reflection on my inquiry project.

1In 1 playlists
Register here.

1In 1 playlists

1In 1 playlists
The Learning Portal can be used to collaborate with museum staff, community members, and other learners by sharing ideas and resources via playlists. Classes could collaborate to create playlists, too. Students could access these later, and know that they have created something that can be used by other learners - how empowering!

1In 1 playlists
The Learning Portal is a great way for educators to share their inquiries with other educators, students, and community members. What an opportunity to model lifelong learning! A great example is Brad Cunningham's Indigenous Principles and the Classroom playlist. I am working on playlists about science and policy, and species at risk.

1In 1 playlists
Pathways provide a rich array of multimodal learning resources that are compiled by museum staff and other partners. These would be useful for unit planning, and could be used as a starting point for student inquiry. They can be linked to playlists, too. As an example, let's explore the BC's Gold Rush pathway.

1In 1 playlists
This episode of the fifth estate explores funding cuts to research institutes and programs, and some of the dynamics between science and policy in Canada.