Lana/seoyoon :D


native plant role
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Native plants provides habitat, food and survival needs to humans, animals, and plants. They use less resources, and store bigger amounts of carbon therefore creating better air quality. Native aquatic plants protect aquatic wildlife, and come as a source of food. They also drive invasive species away.salal

native plant numbers
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There are 3000 species of native plants in BC. Compared to that, there are only 175 recorded invasive plants in the province. However, having a low number of species doesn't mean there are low numbers of plants. Invasive species have an overwhelming amount of each species, which is why there are so many of them.dandilion

aquatic plants
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Some examples of aquatic native plants are: pondweed, water shield, arrowhead, and water pepper. They can increase water clarity by helping stabilize sediments. They help the environment because the are resistant to invasions opportunistic exotic plants. 

aquatic plants and life
native aquatic plants are important food source for many animals (ducks, geese, etc). They are used as nests and den-building materials for many birds and mammals. Young fish and amphibians use native aquatic plants as protection. Native aquatic plants provide livable habitat for aquatic insects, snails, and crustaceans.

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Native plants store carbon dioxide better than invasive species. They adapt better to the surrounding environment conditions. Native plants require less resources to survive (such as water and soil)  therefore making it beneficial to the environment. 

our topic
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what exactly are we talking about? our driving question is "How do native plants effect the ecosystem?" Why are they so important to not only us but to many animals too? why do we depend on them so heavily, and what benefits do they give to the whole ecosystem as a whole?

bond of native and invasive
Symbiotic Relationship between Native and Invasive Plantsinvasive plants affect the health and population of native plants and benefit the environment by keeping native plant's numbers in control by feeding off of native plants. (creeping buttercup: ranunculus repens)

native plant 6
 Native plants help use less pesticides. It is said that over 70 million pounds of pesticides are applied to lawns in a year. These chemicals run off into rivers and lakes, causing a big problem with clean water and aquatic life. 

native plant 5
 many people chose to plant native plants when starting a garden because of the benefits they provide. Native plants develop their own defensive systems, driving away pests, diseases as well as invasive plants. This is why people choose to plant native. 

native plant 4
 Native plants, as well as being low maintenance, can provide many benefits to the ecosystem. It creates vital habitat for important wildlife. Plants like the ocean spray (grown in victoria) gives us beautiful scenery which we value and protect. 

Humanity’s key to success
 Humans, depend on plants for regular things we take for granted everyday. Clothes, building materials, paper, perfumes, cleaning supplies, and medicines. Without the native plants to provide us these products, human economy and life would not be as we know it today. 

native plants 1
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 What if society did not have the habitat that the native plants provide for our wildlife? The animals depending on these plants for food and habitat would struggle to survive. This would knock the food chain out of place, resulting in decreasing populations of the native plant depending animals. 
Lana/seoyoon :D
Lana/seoyoon :D