Access Gallery
Access Gallery is a non-profit artist-run centre dedicated to emergent contemporary art practices.

Accompanying the exhibition at Access Gallery artist Cindy Mochizuki created a teachers guide to allow creaturely creations to spring forth from any shoreline.

A comprehensive index of the Things made by Vancouver Japanese Language School and Lord Strathcona Elementary School. Inspiration for the creation of a unique visual language for every creature creator.

An audio recording of a talk held at Access Gallery featuring artists Hannah Jickling, Vanessa Kwan, Cindy Mochizuki and Helen Reed. Addressing the topic of Artistic Collaborations with Children the talk facilitates presentations on working with children in critical arts and hears questions from director/curator Kimberly Phillips and the audience.

Accompanying the exhibition at Access Gallery artist Cindy Mochizuki created a teachers guide to allow creaturely creations to spring forth from any shoreline.