Suzanne Harlan

I’m a home learning facilitator, interested in art, science, and education. The picture in my profile is of Sofia Kovalevskaya, a Russian mathematician, and someone I admire 😉


Home Learners Creative Writing Program

Home Learners Creative Writing Program

These are the stories and pictures of the kids working on their stories for the creative writing class with Paisley and Korina from Story Studio. This four week course encouraged kids to be inspired by the museum objects and displays, while also working alongside the Royal BC Museum's Learning staff.


The Big Finish
1In 1 playlists
Despite the lovely time, all good things must come to an unexpected, exciting, exciting end...

Beachology 101
1In 1 playlists
Everyone discussing how to best describe several different kinds of beaches, and learning new writing techniques at the same time.

James and the Dragon by Jori
Jori likes comic books. He also enjoys playing ball at his house. His favorite thing about writing is reading other people's interesting ideas. One day he dreams of finishing a book that he has started!

Blackout by Nathan
1In 1 playlists
Nathan's favourite author is Erin Hunter. Nathan loves playing war games. He enjoys expressing his feelings when he writes. One day he dreams of doing CGI movies about cats.

Why Pigeons? by Ethan
1In 1 playlists
Ethan's favorite thing to do is take a nap. He enjoys passing the time when he writes. One day he hopes he can eat 30 pizzas without being sick!

Diplomatic Training by Rupert
Eleven-year-old Rupert loves having fun and trying to protect the environment. His favorite book is Wings of War by John Wilson and when writing his own stories, he loves how everything is in the author's hands. Someday he hopes to be a rocket engineer and develop sustainable technology for space exploration. 
Suzanne Harlan
Suzanne Harlan