Home Learners Creative Writing Program
by Suzanne HarlanThese are the stories and pictures of the kids working on their stories for the creative writing class with Paisley and Korina from Story Studio. This four week course encouraged kids to be inspired by the museum objects and displays, while also working alongside the Royal BC Museum’s Learning staff.

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A young pirate and a friend-of-bears working with Paisley from Story Studio on their stories...

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Seven-year old Jac loves Batman and riding on ATV's. His favorite thing about writing stories is creating the ending. Jac enjoys fishing trips with his dad, which inspired him to write this story.

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Artwork created by Jac, to go along with his story.

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Eight-year-old Maisha loves reading, especially books by L. M. Montgomery. She also loves learning new writing techniques when working on her own stories. Maisha was inspired by the Titanic to write this story.

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Artwork created by Maisha, to go along with her story.

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An amazing participant interpretation of Halossacion glandiforme ;)

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Sea grapes, otherwise known as Halosaccion glandiforme. Look delicious but you might not want to actually eat them. Unless, of course, you love algae!

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Everyone discussing how to best describe several different kinds of beaches, and learning new writing techniques at the same time.

Aggregating Anemone
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Korina telling a story about a famous BC train robber in the train station at Oldtown on the 3rd floor... you might want to keep hold of your watch while in Oldtown, and your parasol and feathered hat.

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Eight-year old Erin loves to sew. She has a creative and inquisitive mind and loves to lead her readers on adventures. Erin has a number of published stories.

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Artwork created by Erin, to go along with her story.

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Eight-year-old Franny loves developing entertaining characters for her stories. She also loves reading books by Polly Horvath and playing with her own bunny, Fennel. She hopes to be a professional author one day, as well as a bunny agility trainer.

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Artwork created by Franny, to go along with her story.

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A short video about the story Susan Snuffle vs. the Tourists by Franny, performed by Patrick Boyle during an Early Shift evening event at the museum. Not in 3D IMAX, sorry.

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Ten year old Roka loves playing hockey and someday hopes to be an ER Doctor. She enjoys the freedom of writing whatever she wants. Her favorite book is Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo.

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Artwork created by Roka, to go along with her story.

Wild Kermode Bear
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Oliver likes comic books. He also likes building lego. One day he dreams of going on a BIG adventure.

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Artwork created by Oliver, to go along with his story.

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Eleven-year-old Io loves to play hockey and reading books by J.K. Rowling. When writing his own stories, he likes the freedom to write anything. Someday, he'd like to visit Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi.

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A picture of participants working on their stories in the 3rd floor galleries

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Eleven-year-old Rupert loves having fun and trying to protect the environment. His favorite book is Wings of War by John Wilson and when writing his own stories, he loves how everything is in the author's hands. Someday he hopes to be a rocket engineer and develop sustainable technology for space exploration.

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Participants editing stories with Korina from Story Studio.

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Ethan's favorite thing to do is take a nap. He enjoys passing the time when he writes. One day he hopes he can eat 30 pizzas without being sick!

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A participant works on a word game. A difficult word game. Unless you live in backwards land!

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This ten year old author of this story loves to read and show his creativity through his own powerful writing. His favourite author is Rick Riordan.

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Nathan's favourite author is Erin Hunter. Nathan loves playing war games. He enjoys expressing his feelings when he writes. One day he dreams of doing CGI movies about cats.

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Zoe's favorite author is E.D. Baker. Zoe loves reading and writing. Her favorite thing about writing is getting inspired. Her inspiration for this story came from the gold rush exhibit at the museum.

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Artwork created by Zoe, to go along with her story.

Gold Rush Music Collection 1
Mary Gibson Henry in BC
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Sasha loves Asterix & Obelix books. He also likes to hang out with friends. If he could do anything he would go to the moon.

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Oh, all right, it might be bricks. Nice clean bricks. Not made of gold at all. However, there is a nice chair where you can sit and think and perhaps write the Great Canadian Novel.

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Jori likes comic books. He also enjoys playing ball at his house. His favorite thing about writing is reading other people's interesting ideas. One day he dreams of finishing a book that he has started!

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Despite the lovely time, all good things must come to an unexpected, exciting, exciting end...