Diving Deep – Marine Mammals of BC – Past Program

by Digital Field Trips

If we dive deep into the waters off the coast of BC, we’ll find a world of sea mammals: whales, seals, sea lions, otters and dolphins. These intelligent and often social animals can tell us a lot about the ocean. In this tour, we will explore how they live, how they interact with each other, and what we can do to help keep their environment healthy. The tour will include an up-close look at the Seashore Diorama of the Natural History gallery, along with fascinating specimens to investigate as a class.

Digital Field Trips are inquiry based and staff led. We can adapt Digital Field Trips for different grade ranges, home learners, or for adult, senior, community-group or post-secondary audiences.

Visit our website for more information.

These Playlists include additional resources that accompany these Digital Field Trips. They are continuously being updated, so please check before and after your program for new resources.

Orcas are embedded in human culture, from the screen to aquariums, mass media has shown the world the beauty of this species and how human behavior controls their fate. There is so much more for us to learn about orca culture and what they need to survive.
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