To celebrate its 100th anniversary, the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) partnered with Royal BC Museum. Discover how this place of science helped the world understand astronomy and our place in the universe.
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More than 4,000 alien species have made their way to BC with human help, including most of the plants and animals that we eat.
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The Royal BC Museum and BC Heritage Fairs both work to engage youth with BC’s history. Find out how and be inspired by student projects in this pathway.
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Learning about native plants can connect us to the places we live. Studying First Peoples’ uses of plants can teach us which native berries are edible and which are not.
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This pathway is especially for teachers who want to use object-based learning in the classroom. Includes lesson ideas and online support.
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L’histoire de la Colombie-Britannique est remplie de récits de famille — des familles de toutes les formes et de toutes les tailles ; des familles établies ici depuis des milliers d’années, des familles venues ici des quatre coins du monde. Ensemble, nous contribuons à la diversité de notre province.
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British Columbia’s history is filled with stories of families—families of all shapes and sizes; families that have been here for thousands of years and families that have come from almost everywhere in the world. Together, we shape our diverse province. (Grades 9-12)
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Every family has a unique and special story. At the Royal BC Museum we have lots of stories—and histories—about British Columbia families. Come and explore! (Grades K-3)
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