Language Revitalization
Two Grade 7 students discussing language revitalization after exploring the Our Living Languages exhibit at the RBCM. Students predict what they believe is happening to the percentage of people who fluently speak First Nations languages in BC and strategies for language revitalization.

1In 1 playlists
We read the picture book, The Rabbits, to introduce the term 'colonization.' During the reading of the book each student described their transformed thinking as we discussed what colonization means.

1In 1 playlists
These toothbrushes may have belonged to the nurses that were training there, or they could have been brought there by patients. The tooth brushes are all made of either wood or bone and would have had natural, woven boar or horse hair bristles, as nylon bristles were not invented until the 20th century. 

Navy Glass
1In 1 playlists
Glass sealed bottles are believed to be some of the earliest marked containers supplied by the British Military. Bottles with glass seals would have contained important materials worthy of the additional costs. The seals had a variety of symbols including: anchors, arrows or the initials of the ruling monarch; VR being Victoria respectively.

Petit’s spiral tourniquet
This 19th C tourniquet would have originally been attached to a large strap, which could be tightened around a limb to stem blood flow. In a hospital setting, Petit's tourniquet would have been used during amputations to prevent a patient from bleeding out during surgery.