The Owl
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The owl, in the Tsawout culture, is an all-seeing being. They are able to see into the past, future, and present, that is why they can rotate their head. Tom and Perry chose to include the owl in this piece, as the theme of "Crossing Cultures and Healing" requires us to reflect on the past and present to instill change and healing for the future.

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Once the pole has been prepped, Tom and Perry begin the initial shaping. This creates the general shape of the pole's figures and design. This is done using chainsaws.

The Woman
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Perry is shown measuring his sketch for the woman design. Perry explained the math that goes into their poles, as they measure their designs to scale.The woman is a symbol of the Tsawout Nation's matriarchal ways and represents Perry and Tom's mother. She is a symbol of strength and resilience for them as she attended residential school. 

The Frog
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While watching Tom and Perry sketch the frog design onto the pole, you were witnessing their strong connection and unique work ethic that comes from years of working together and their brotherly bond. They would pass the pencil back and forth, each adding in their own style with their individual talents. 

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When doing the initial shaping on the pole,  Perry asked Tom to come and see an idea he had. He noticed there was an empty space in their design and Perry had the idea to add a frog, a symbol of the conscience to the Tsawout Nation. Tom agreed with Perry and they began sketching a frog design onto the pole. 

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To make sure they are cutting in a straight and even line across the pole they use a chalk line. This helps them know if they need to adjust their grip or height. 

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In order to saw around the whole circle they use a mechanical jack to lift and rotate the log.

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In order for the pole to have the proper dimensions, Tom and Perry had to  measure a circle on both sides of the log and then use a saw to cut off the excess wood.