Nootka Rose
By OB1
The Nootka Rose (Rose nutkana) has branches that are broken off and boiled to turn into eye medicine to help flush someones eye out if they could not see very well, such as if they had cataracts. It is also known to bring strength if eaten  by young people during a hard time in their lives.

By OB1
The Arbutus (Arbutus menziesii)  had leaves that could be chewed raw to ease symptoms of a bad cold and could also be made into a tea that could be drunk to help ones stomach feel better. The leaves could be rubbed on skin that was affected by rheumatism or burns to heal them.

Western Red Cedar
By OB1
Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) can be drank as an infusion for a remedy for coughs, sore throats, and fevers. It is said to cure heart and kidney problems, arthritis, pneumonia and even tuberculous. Red cedar extract has been confirmed by modern science to have immune-stimulating effects.

Western Flowering Dogwood
By OB1
Western Flowering Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) has a long history of medicine. In the past it was used to treat malaria. It can also be applied directly to the skin to cure boils and other wounds. It is said to increase strength and lessen fatigue. It can cure headaches and fevers too!

Great Blue Heron
By OB3
The Great Blue Heron is a species that will be in any marsh, swamp, or shallow open coastline. The Heron is a blueish gray body, with a dark blue stripe down its head. They have very long legs that they use to wait until prey swims by. They then jab their spear-like beak into the water and eat the prey whole. They usually eat fish and small mammals

Signal Crayfish
By OB3
The Signal Crayfish is the only crustacean in our local creek. Their habitats are anywhere with still-flowing water. Some examples are streams,creeks,lakes,and have been known to stand in salt water. These crustaceans are very invasive and if they reproduce can have a very large negative impact on any riparian ecosystem.

Riparian Zones Reducing the Risk or Erosion and Bank Failure
By OB15
There are many different ways a Riparian Zone affects streams. Among them, Riparian zones can reduce the risk of erosion. The root systems of trees and shrubs reinforces cohesion into the soil and by providing a protective surface matting. Also, trees use the water from the stream to increase the drainage in the soil, which reduces the risk of bank failure.

Why Chanterelles Don’t Grow Here
By OB5

Golden chanterelles are popular edible mushrooms. The main reason why they do not grow around Bowker Creek is because chanterelles like forested area, and moist undergrowth with lots of organic decaying matter. They also like to grow underneath salal. Bowker Creek doesn't meet these requirements.