By OB1
Salal (Gaultheria shallon) has a astringent effect and can be used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-cramping medicine. Chewed salal leaver can be spat on cuts, burns and sores to heal them. A tea made from salal can cure a variety of internal problems including bladder inflammation, heartburn and indigestion.  

Garry Oak
By OB1
Garry Oak (Quercus garryana) can be made into a tea to heal numerous problems including inflamed gums, sore throats, burns, cuts, scrapes and insect bites. Galls, growths that appear on certain trees are astringent, which can be used in the treatment of hemorrhages.  

Question Two:  Why Protect Endangered Species?
By OB2
This opens up a whole new can of aquatic worms. Prepare thyself. End verdict: After much simulated debate the affirmative side is argued into a corner. The negative side wins a hard-fought victory, though if some other points are suggested this could change.  

Bigleaf Maple
By OB1
The Bigleaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum) has leaves which can be boiled and turned into a tea to cure persistent sore throats. The leaves can be rubbed on the faces of young men to prevent them from getting thick whiskers.

Red-Osier Dogwood
By OB1
Red-Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) is used as an external and internal remedy. A decoction can cure colds, fevers and headaches. Externally, bark shavings have been pressed to open wounds to stop the bleeding. It can also treat poison ivy rashes.

By OB1
Willow (Salix) bark is used to relieve fevers and the flu as well as to reduce inflammation. It can also be used to cure headaches and backaches.

Oregon Grape
By OB1
Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifloium) is an antidote for shellfish and other kinds of poisoning if you eat it is large quantities. If you boil the stems and the roots the extract acts as a remedy for skin diseases, acts as a general tonic with a reviving feeling and can be made into detergent lotion.

Common Snowberry
By OB1
The Common Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) can heal swimmer's itch in the summer by boiling it to bath in. If you bath surrounded by the plant it is believed to have the power to make young children's legs stronger and possible even heal the paralyzed, so they can walk again. It can also be rubbed on sores, rashes and burns to heal them faster.