Is This a Realistic Goal?
In my opinion, this is a realistic goal. even though it won't happen anytime soon, with enough money and support from the community and government this could happen.

What is Bowker Creek?
Bowker Creek is an 8 km long stream in an urban environment on Vancouver Island. Over 60% is underground in culverts and 30% is covered by impermeable surfaces.

What Obstacles are in the Creek?
There are many culverts in the creek. Some of them such as the one under fireman's park are too steep for the salmon to get up so a fish ladder would need to be installed. 

What are some microorganisms found around Bowker Creek?
In the Riparian zones along the creek you can find microbes living among hydrophilic plants. These areas have unsaturated soil. Unfortunately Bowker Creek doesn’t have many Riparian zones left, so these microbes aren’t as common as they used to be. Bacteria can also be found in and around Bowker Creek.

What are the benefits of having a balanced ecosystem?
Bowker Creek is a functional ecosystem because it is balanced. If the ecosystem was unbalanced then many species would either go extinct or become too abundant. For example, if the ducks went extinct then there would be too many leeches in the creek. The leeches could take over and become the main species.