

Traditional First Nations Wood uses
By OB10
Wooden canoes were very traditional for the First Nations communities and an important part of their lifestyles. It was so important because it made traveling over water faster and easier. The canoes were usually made out of White Pine tree, Birchbark, Spruce or White Cedar. Another use for wood was for large bonfires where traditional gatherings would take place.

Edible Plants
By OB10
There is an estimated 400,000 plants on planet Earth, and out of those more than 80,000  are edible. There are plants ready to eat all around us in nature, although many people don't know about them. They may include the berries, leaves, stems, seeds, or even the roots of certain plants.

Native Plant Medicines
By OB10
Many native plant medicines have been found that can treat some common colds, viruses, fevers, and even diabetes. One study counted almost 550 plants that could be used medically that some Canadian First Nations used - The plants cured close to 30 different sicknesses. Sadly the passed down knowledge of these plants is disappearing because less people are relying on the teachings to survive.

Native Plant Dyes
By OB10

Natural plant dyes have been around for hundreds of years, and have been very helpful to many First Nations communities in Canada with dyeing clothing. There are dyes for each different colour made from a variety of trees, flowers, barks, leaves, and berries.           
