Raymond Frogner
Raymond Frogner

Raymond FrognerFormer Archivist

Why did you want to become an archivist? 

I have always been interested in learning about the past we share, in the idea of recording and preserving our memory, and how we are what we choose to remember and forget. 

How did you become an archivist? 

 After spending years researching in archives, I decided to learn about the opposite side of the process. I attended the University of British Columbia’s master of archival studies program, then found work in various archives in western Canada. 

What do you do as an archivist? 

Appraising, selecting and acquiring records, researching and writing about the identity of records, their creators, and the context of creation. I also preserve records, provide access and understanding of records through finding aids, liaise with researchers, and create digital and analogue projects to depict the functions, interactions, and relationships between people and the records they create.